Huron Perth Diabetes Program Privacy Policy

The Huron Perth Diabetes Program provides healthcare services to hospitals of the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance & other hospital associations within Huron-Perth & is bound by the Personal Health Information Protection Act as well as all other applicable laws & regulations. As a provider of healthcare services, the Huron Perth Diabetes Program uses, discloses, retains & protects personal health information.

Personal health information is defined as information, oral or recorded, about an individual that does or could identify that individual & that:

  • Relates to physical or mental health,
  • Includes family history,
  • Identifies the healthcare provider,
  • Includes the health number,
  • Identifies a Substitute Decision Maker(s),
  • Includes any non-health information that is in record that is identifying.

We at the Huron Perth Diabetes Program recognize the importance of privacy & the sensitivity of personal health information. We are committed to protecting all personal health information in our custody & control.

How is my health information used?

Personal health information is collected, used or disclosed to:

  • Provide you with the appropriate health care,
  • Comply with legal & regulatory requirements,
  • Conduct surveys to improve our services.

Who does the team share my personal health information with?

  • Other healthcare providers who are part of your “circle of care” (e.g. family doctor, etc.),
  • Students & specialists who are working with our team if you give us permission,
  • Your family member(s) if you give us permission.

We at the Huron Perth Diabetes Program rely on implied consent, where appropriate, or obtain express consent from you when collecting, using or disclosing your personal health information. Express consent may be verbal, in writing or by electronic means. You may withdraw or limit consent at any time, unless doing so prevents us from recording the personal health information required by law or professional standards.

We limit the collection of personal health information to that which is necessary for the above identified purposes or for the purposes that the Personal Health Information Protection Act permits or requires.

Can I see my personal health information?

We respect your right to see your personal health information record. If you wish to do so, please call our office at 519-272-8210 ext. 2365 & we will direct you to the Privacy Office & Health Records Department of your local hospital.

For more information, Click Here to see the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance privacy policy.

General Inquiry Form

Outreach Inquiry Form