Eating Well with Diabetes

Making sure you follow a healthy eating plan is one of the most important things you can do to make sure you stay healthy with diabetes. Click here to visit Canada’s Food Guide to help get you started.

Here are 5 tips from our Registered Dietitians:

    1. Eat 3 meals per day at regular times & spaced no more than 4 to 6 hours apart.
    2. Aim to fill half (1/2) your plate with vegetables.
    3. Limit your intake of regular pop, fruit juice, energy drinks, sports drink & specialty coffee drinks.
    4. Follow the 80/20 rule – 80% of the time try to eat healthily & 20% of the time (once in a while) enjoy a treat.
    5. Try to cook more often at home & limit how much you eat out at restaurants/fast food chains/coffee shops.

Eating healthy doesn’t need to be difficult! With a little extra planning & the right tools, you can enjoy all your favourites. Click on any of the following handouts for meal & snack ideas as well as tips & tricks on choosing the right breakfast cereal & making smoothies more nutritious.

How to Choose a Healthy Breakfast Cereal

Tips on Making a Great Smoothie for a Meal

Balanced Breakfast Smoothies

Snack Attack

30-45 g Carbohydrate Meal Ideas

45-60 g Carbohydrate Meal Ideas

60-75 g Carbohydrate Meal Ideas

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